creative werks' 2018 Sustainability Report

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CW report cover_Page_01.1creative werks (CW) is proud to release its annual Sustainability Report. This comprehensive report marks creative werks’ first Sustainability Report that aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). It’s important to acknowledge that the supplier’s perspective has only recently been weighed more heavily in the sustainability equation. creative werks’ position in the sustainability conversation provides a unique vantage point as a Tier 1 Supplier to the world’s top food brands. Specifically, as a designer, manufacturer, and co-packer creative werks strives to push the industry forward with our sustainability targets, and helps progress those of our clients’ and stakeholders. By framing creative werks’ goals around metrics that allow for comparability across peers and visibility of progress, this report aims to increase transparency and address industry-relevant sustainability challenges. Also included in this report is an introductory Materiality Assessment to understand what is important to our stakeholders. The scope of the Assessment will expand over time, ensuring CW's social, governance, and environmental initiatives continue to be robust and relevant.


Read the 2018 Sustainability Report here.