creative werks Spotlight on... Johnny Warsaw!

Johnny Warsaw1

Johnny Warsaw1 The thought of starting work at a new company the day after a tornado blew off the roof may not sound like an ideal situation for anyone - but for Johnny Warsaw it was a welcome challenge. After a career in minor league baseball and completing 20 marathons by age 62, the energetic Security Guard has settled into an active lifestyle in Glencoe with his wife Elise. He credits creative werks with keeping him 69 ½ years young, and - by the sound of his wishlist items - doesn’t plan on slowing down anytime soon! From moonwalks to Netflix binges, coaching baseball to West Coast dreams, get a look into the world of Johnny Warsaw.


If you could share a meal with anyone in the world, alive or dead, who would it be?
I would like to have a long, long meal with my late, mother and father. There is so much to tell them, and questions I would like to ask, all these years later.


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing here at cw, what would you be doing?
I would be sleeping a little later each morning. My alarm sounds at 4 am! Then, I would like to live close to the Pacific Ocean. I would enjoy teaching kids how to play and appreciate the game of Baseball.



Johnny Warsaw Take him out to the ball game! Johnny is a huge baseball - and Chicago Cubs - fan!


What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?
I grew up in the 1960’s. I idolized the original 7 NASA astronauts. Space travel is my ultimate adventure. The idea of establishing human life on another planet is within our reach. I’d love to take a space walk, or go to the moon. Many days, my wife wishes I would go to the moon!


What’s the best way to start the day?
There is an old Yiddish expression: “Too soon old, Too late smart.” I’ve learned that every day is a gift, a chance “to do.” My morning ritual starts with a look at myself in the mirror and a laugh, at the face looking back at me. Then, COFFEE!


If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
99% of my Xfinity recordable space has been taken with movies, documentaries, shows that I plan to view. I would like to binge watch some of it. I have an entire season of “The Walking Dead,” so I don’t know - who is still alive?!


Where did you grow up?
Highland Park, Illinois.


What was your first impression of creative werks?
Chaos! Back in 2011, the roof had fallen down, literally. The pace was frantic from my start. Each day I got a tutorial on a different problem that we never want to experience again. My previous career was commodity trading, and I was the risk manager for an electronic trading firm. I learned the term “organized confusion,” back then, and applied it to my role at cw. I function well amidst chaos because it is only temporary.


What’s the craziest phone call you’ve received at work?
Anytime I get a call from Chris Burton, it’s a little crazy! He is my soul brother, from another set of parents!



Johnny Warsaw The dynamic duo - Johnny and Chris pose for the camera at our first meeting at BRU HQ.


What songs have you completely memorized?
When I hear a new song that I love, I play it over and over, so memorization comes naturally. I grew up loving The Beatles, and The Beach Boys, so I know all those tunes. When my son went to U W Madison, I memorized the words to “Jump Around.” Not an easy task for an old, white guy!


Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?
From the first moment, I saw and felt the effort and dedication, on every level of the C W totem pole. A team/family environment was created, and it moved this company forward. If you look around, there is a palpable buzz of caring and growth, within our facilities, our home. The name is creative werks, but it’s all of our people who make it that. I’ve been around, and this is special. I wanted to be a part of that, in any way, shape, or form that I could contribute.