creative werks Spotlight on... Vittorio Bressani!

Vittorio Bressani Update

Vittorio Bressani UpdateAt creative werks we love to watch our associates grow and learn. Last year Vittorio Bressani started his post-grad career. He joined the creative werks Engineering team in January 2018 and has already had a great impact on our operations and culture. Vittorio was born in Guatemala and raised on the side of the Atitlán Volcano, on his family’s coffee farm. Growing up, he and his four siblings split their time between living with family on the farm and living in the city for school. After high school he joined his sisters in Indiana, attending Purdue University. When not at work, Vittorio embraces a wide array of hobbies, from photography, to traveling, to cheering for As Roma, to playing tennis! Read on to learn more about Vittorio and his active, adventurous life!

 What’s your favorite place of all the places you’ve traveled, and why?

Lake Atitlan, in Guatemala for sure. It was formed by a big volcanic eruption years ago. Now it’s surrounded by 3 dormant volcanos, culturally dense with different Mayan cultures, and fantastic weather most of the time.

If you weren’t in Engineering here at creative werks, what’s one career you wish you could have?

I would be an oceanographer or food critic. Diving for a living would be awesome, but I really enjoy tasting what creative chefs can come up with.

How many times do you hit the snooze button in the morning?

Usually once, I don’t really have an issue waking up. Definitely a morning person.

Have you ever met your idol or someone you revere greatly? Who was it and why?

I don’t really have idols. I really enjoy hearing stories of my ancestors, having a conversation with them or someone who knew them would be enjoyable.

What do you think the greatest invention has been?

Electric pressure cooker. We learned to cook with fire, then we were able to boil stuff being able to make ceramics, then microwaves… but being able to control moisture, temperature, pressure and time is definitely revolutionary.

Where did you grow up?

Guatemala, then I moved to Indiana after high school for college at Purdue.

What’s something you thought was silly until you tried it?

Meditating, I was skeptical at first, but it’s a very rewarding habit.

What do you like to listen to in the car?

I do an educational podcast or book in the morning and call friends and family in the afternoon. If no one is available, I’ll play some classic oldies or upbeat music.

Where do you think creative werks will be in 10 years?

Creative werks will definitely continue to grow as we continue improving our efficiency, quality, and service. I envision it being a larger company, but with the same family-feel.

What do you tend to splurge on?

I aim at saving for traveling. So much of the world to see! Next on this, I think, will possibly be Africa.


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Vittorio hiking in New Zealand Vittorio at home on Lake Atitlan Hiking in the forests of Guatemala